833 research outputs found

    Use and perception of urban green spaces in Barcelona

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    Curs 2012-2013Background: Although the mechanisms are not well understood yet, evidence exists of the benefits of urban green spaces for human health. As a consequence, one of the concerns of public health interventions must be to promote the use of urban green spaces within cities. Aims: This study aims to explore the citizens’ purposes of use of urban green spaces as well as the elements related to the characteristics of these places that condition their use. Methods: In-depth interviews were conducted with non-hospitalised people living in different areas of Barcelona, with different socioeconomic status and different residential distance to urban green spaces (n = 20). Thematic content analysis of the qualitative data was performed. Results: Physical pursuits and attention restoration were identified as prominent purposes of use of urban green spaces. The natural features of urban green spaces were identified as the most relevant determiners for the use of these places. Conclusions: To promote the use of urban green spaces, qualitative findings from this study suggest that purpose-built places should be provided. Moreover, natural features of urban green spaces must be particularly taken into account when designing and maintaining them

    Fibras vegetales y las artesanías en el Estado de México

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    El uso de las plantas es una práctica que siempre se ha desarrollado a la par de los grupos humanos. El propósito de este libro es difundir las principales artesanías elaboradas con fibras vegetales obtenidas de los diferentes tipos de vegetación existentes en el Estado de México; da testimonio de la elaboración de morrales de izote (Yucca treculeana), cestos de carrizo (Arundo donax) y otate (Otatea acuminata), las canastas de romerillo (Dalea lutea), las artesanías de vara de perlilla (Symphoricarpos microphyllus), el manejo del tule y junco (Typha dominguensis and Juncus arcticus), al igual que la planta alpina conocida como zacatón (Muhlenbergia macroura), el ocoxal u hoja de pino (Pinus spp.) y la elaboración de diferentes artículos derivados de la palma (Brahea dulcis). Todasestas artesanías son producto del trabajo de las comunidades rurales como una actividad complementaria de la agricultura. El escrito es una reflexión sobre la elaboración de artesanías y un análisis de la integración de esta actividad dentro de la vida cultural heredada de un pasado que tiende a ser devorada por la acelerada vida actual

    Multichannel Speech Enhancement

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    Plantas silvestres ornamentales comercializadas en los mercados de la flor de Tenancingo y Jamaica, México

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    En nuestro país se han adoptado todas aquellas especies ornamentales que son famosas en el mundo, incluyendo algunas representantes de México; sin embargo, todavía se tiene material genético ornamental con grandes posibilidades de insertase en el comercio de la horticultura ornamental. Debido a lo anterior, se elaboró un listado de plantas silvestres comercializadas en los mercados de la flor de Tenancingo, Estado de México y Jamaica, Distrito Federal, México. El trabajo se realizó durante la época de verano- otoño (21 de junio-21 de diciembre del 2007), en este periodo se visitó, cada 15 días durante seis meses el área de estudio con la finalidad de obtener ejemplares para su identificación taxonómica, se hicieron entrevistas y se registró: nombre común, lugar y fecha de recolecta, vendedor, lugar de comercialización y valor ornamental. La identificación taxonómica de las especies se realizó mediante el uso de claves disponibles en bibliografía. Como resultados se reportaron 131 especies silvestres, distribuidas en 42 familias y 93 géneros, donde Orchidaceae fue la más representativa a nivel de especies. En cuanto al valor ornamental de las especies se observó que es toda la planta la queproporciona el mayor valor ornamental con 41%. El 53% de las especies proviene del Estado de México. De todas las especies 3% están amenazadas y 2% en protección especial según la NOM-059- ECOL-2001

    Parent teacher meetings in early childhood education: management styles

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    O artigo discute a relação entre escolas e famílias no contexto da educação infantil por meio da análise de reuniões de pais. Fundamenta-se em um estudo de caso qualitativo sobre 11 reuniões, realizadas em duas escolas municipais de educação infantil paulistanas. Foram analisados os diferentes modos de gestão pelo professor, segundo três aspectos: forma (pauta), conteúdo (temas), dinâmica (relações entre professor e pais). Os resultados indicaram modos de gestão que dificultam a participação dos pais e descaracterizam os objetivos das reuniões: forma desorganizada e rígida; conteúdo burocrático e comportamental; dinâmica fragmentada e centralizada. Ao mesmo tempo, identificaram-se indicadores que favorecem a construção de uma relação mais cooperativa durante as reuniões, correspondentes aos modos de gestão: forma compartilhada, conteúdo educacional e dinâmica coletiva. Os autores destacam a necessidade de registro e de avaliação coletiva das reuniões de pais, visando à articulação com o projeto pedagógico, o currículo e a dimensão didáticaThe article discusses the relation between schools and families in the context of early childhood education through the analysis of parent teacher meetings. Case study of eleven meetings held in two public pre-schools of São Paulo city. The different ways of meeting management were analyzed according to three aspects: form (agenda of meeting), content (subject) and dynamics (relationship between teachers and parents). The results indicated ways of management that hindrance parents participation and affect the objective of the meeting: disorganized and rigid forms; bureaucratic content; fragmented and centralized dynamics. There were also identified indicators that favor the construction of a more cooperative relationship during the meetings: shared management; educational content and group dynamics. The authors outline the necessity of record the meetings and assess its connection with the pedagogical project, the curriculum and the didactic dimensio

    Role of eprinomectin as inhibitor of the ruminant ABCG2 transporter: Effects on plasma distribution of danofloxacin and meloxicam in sheep

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    6 p.Therapeutic outcome results of the coadministration of several drugs in veterinary medicine is affected by, among others, the relationship between drugs and ATP-binding cassette (ABC) transporters, such as ABCG2. ABCG2 is an efflux protein involved in the bioavailability and milk secretion of drugs. The aim of this work was to determine the role of eprinomectin, a macrocyclic lactone (ML) member of avermectin class, as inhibitor of ABCG2. The experiments were carried out through in vitro inhibition assays based on mitoxantrone accumulation and transport assays in ovine ABCG2 transduced cells using the antimicrobial drug danofloxacin and the anti-inflammatory drug meloxicam, both widely used in veterinary medicine and well known ABCG2 substrates. The inhibition results obtained showed that eprinomectin was an efficient in vitro ABCG2 inhibitor, tested in mitoxantrone accumulation assays. In addition, this ML decreased ovine ABCG2-mediated transport of danofloxacin and meloxicam. To evaluate the role of eprinomectin in systemic exposure of drugs, pharmacokinetic assays based on subcutaneous coadministration of eprinomectin with danofloxacin (1.25 mg/kg) or meloxicam (0.5 mg/kg) in sheep were performed obtaining a significant increase of systemic exposure of these drugs. Especially relevant was the increase of the systemic concentration of meloxicam, since coadministration with eprinomectin increased significantly the plasma concentration of meloxicam, obtaining an increase of AUC (0-72 h) value of more than 40%


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    Based on a non-experimental design applied to the wine enterprises, this empirical study presents the characterization of the wineries located in the Wine Route of Valle de Guadalupe, Baja California (Mexico), specifically in terms of size, number of employees, production, company type and age. The methodological framework was based on three main stages: (i) firstly, a sample of 64 wineries located on the Wine Route of Valle de Guadalupe was taken, considering some aspects such as: location within, vine land, wine tasting room and area of production and sale; (ii) secondly, was designed and implemented a structured questionnaire integrated by seven questions, including different levels of measurement (nominal, ordinal and scale); (iii) and finally, the analysis and interpretation of data was continued by testing statistics and content analysis using the Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) V.20.0 software. Through the application of the questionnaire and data analysis the results showed that most of the companies are integrated as Capital Variable join-stock Company (25.9%), are micro sized (59.4%), 73.2% are familiar and only four companies are the largest wine producers (L.A. Cetto, Barón Balché, Emeve and Paralelo), of which L.A. Cetto winery is the oldest (85 years). In conclusion, the proposal constitutes and important contribution for the wine industry, particularly in Mexico, and as an analytical tool for future research contribution
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